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Regular analytical reports on the attitudes expressed in Russian and international media publications

Rossiya Segodnya specialists closely monitor and analyze the media landscape to determine how events in Russia are being reported in Western media and the tone of Russian media coverage of Western countries. The research results are publicly available.

Octopus 1.1
What Russian media write about the G7 countries (Q1 2019)

We analyzed 65,000 articles published by the top Russian media outlets about the G7 countries in the first six months of 2019. The United States, France and the United Kingdom received the most attention from Russian media over that period of time. They covered the economic sanctions against the Russian Federation, the crises in Syria, Venezuela and Ukraine, the end of the INF Treaty, as well as culture and travel. More than 70% of Russian articles about the G7 countries were neutral in tone. This shows that Russian journalists provide more balanced coverage of international topics than Western media.

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Octopus 1.2
What foreign media write about Russia and how the country’s image is shaped in international public opinion

We analyzed 80,000 articles about Russia published by the top media outlets of the G7 countries in the first six months of 2019. Highlights: Vladimir Putin mentioned in just about every headline; Russia's “interference” in the US presidential election; Russian bears and hackers; unbalanced coverage, principles of objective journalism totally neglected. Most importantly, a startling result: 91% of reporting about Russia in US media is negative and only 2% is positive across all media in the G7 countries.

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Octopus 2
The pandemic in Russia as covered by Western media (March – June 2020)

We analyzed more than 4,000 articles about COVID-19 in Russia published by the media in the G7 countries and China from March 12 to June 14, 2020. There were ample mentions of the curative power of Russian vodka, the collapse of Russia’s healthcare system, and the Kremlin’s secrets. We also found accusations of spreading fake news. The United States again led the way in negative coverage of Russia: more than half of materials were negative. Meanwhile, there was, happily, zero critical coverage of Russia in Chinese media.

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Octopus 3
96% of US media coverage of Russia in the context of US elections is negative (August-November 2020)

Experts from the Rossiya Segodnya media group analyzed more than 1,200 articles on Russia’s alleged interference in the 2020 US election published by the top 10 US media outlets from August 1 to November 15, 2020 and compared their tone with 900 articles on the same topic from the previous presidential election, published from August 1 to November 9, 2016. Again, the emphasis was on Russian hackers, Trump connections, fake news, trolls and ample references to 2016 for the sake of maintaining the required level of negativity about our country.

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